Well, judging by the feel of the air (and the calendar) I would say that Fall is here!! Kyle and I spent the weekend doing minor house things, including decorating the house for the coming months.
Starting with the outside.....

This wreath was the product of several wreaths on Pinterest that inspired me.

I picked up a few things at Hobby Lobby, and sort of made it up as I went along.

As you might have guessed, the most time-consuming part was wrapping the styrofoam ring tightly with yarn. Talk about monotonous!

After that part was finished, I just arranged the silk leaves, pumpkin, and "Happy Harvest" as I wished and had a hot date with my glue gun.

I'm not in love with it, but it will do for now.
Inside, I brought out some decor I had from years past.

And this year, since we're in a house and might have more than 2 trick-or-treaters, the candy bowl is oh so important!

While I was grocery shopping on Friday, this "little" guy just jumped in my cart.

As luck would have it, I happen to like Reese's....a lot :) Kyle has been asking where our Halloween candy is....he should know better....if we had it, it would be gone (especially with over a month to go before Halloween). So a pumpkin Reese's is what he gets for now.
Also from last year, I had some random leaves. I pulled them out of the tote and thought,
what on earth can I do with these? For some reason, the idea popped into my head to make them look like they were falling in this thing:

I was instantly in love with the way the light from behind shines through.

So I affixed them them some sticky tack.
Next up we have another Pinterest inspired piece. If you don't do Pinterest, you probably have one more hour in your day than I do, as I am constantly browsing this website. These three "pins" first caught my eye.

They made me want to fill some sort of glass container with decor that can be changed with the season. And did you see that last picture? Those balls are made from thumb tacks!!
I had to try.

All I needed was some styrofoam balls and thumb tacks, which are a dime a dozen (well, actually a dollar for 300 at the dollar store). The tutorial online said to spray paint them when finished, but I like them gold for now.
Each ball took me 30-45 minutes (one ball completed per each episode of Ellen watched on the DVR). I arranged the balls with some (fake) pears and wicker balls from Pier One, and I was set!

I wouldn't put it past myself to "thumb tack" decorate something else in the near future...a wreath? A Christmas tree? The sky (or the Dollar Store thumb tack inventory) is the limit. It was fun and gave me something mindless to do while watching TV :)
Last but not least, I had some pine cones (and a random acorn) from years ago that I knew needed a face lift. I like the look of pine cones as decoration, but I didn't like the way these were painted.

Blah. I've been reading on blogs and Pinterest (shocker) about the power of spray paint, so I decided it was worth a shot.
First I primed them with a primer had from the
office chair project in order to make sure that the spray paint took evenly to the surface.

Then I went to town with the spray paint (and in turn had to crack the windows in the house over night, causing our indoor temp to drop to 60 degrees last night....BRRRRR)

Wasn't crazy about them just hanging out on the mantel, so I found a tall vase at Micheal's and I spiraled a fun Fall garland around them inside the vase.

And congratulations if you made it through this entire post, it was a doozy. In fact, I barely made it through. Happy Fall!